Help Shape Press Felt Innovation

Feltest is conducting industry-wide research to understand how paper mills are managing their press felts—and we'd love your insights:


Assess your felts and fabrics as an expert and find the best products and suppliers for your paper machine.

Based in Europe, worldwide recognized experts in assessing Paper Machine Clothing performance.

Maximize runnability


The performance data from our precision instruments lead to informed, fact based decisions that result in a better bottom line. Feltest offers the tools and the knowledge you need to get the best of your Paper Machine Clothing. Start improving your Paper Machine Clothing today.

Whitepaper Downloads

Measuring properties of your felts and fabrics is only part of the story. Once you can convert the test results into actions, your are experiencing the full benefits of the Feltest Formula.    

Use this free knowledge to improve your machine’s bottom line now!

Frankly ~ Daily Data Powers Production

You can increase your machine output through better-performing press felts.

Simply because there is still a lot of potential in this part of the machine.

Imagine that your machine is producing 4% more…

Just by doing things a little bit differently!